Brazil is a world reference when it comes to planted forest. We have exceptional edaphoclimatic conditions, advanced genetic science and constantly evolving cultural tracts. According to the Ibá 2022 report, the country has almost 10 million hectares with planted forests of eucalyptus and pine, the most productive in the world, which supply the pulp and paper industries, reconstituted panels, steel, and mechanically processed wood products.
In recent years, Brazil has attracted international investments for the sector, opening new forest frontiers and gaining scale by improving techniques, uses of new technologies and investments in research.
Expoforest – Brazilian Forestry Fair, was born within this context in 2008, when it was held for the first time, exclusively statically, in Curitiba (PR). In 2011, it achieved another proportion becoming the only dynamic forestry fair in Latin America that presents technologies aimed at the production of wood from planted forests. Over the course of editions and with its growth, it became, in 2014, the largest forestry fair in the Americas.
In 2011 and 2014, Expoforest editions were held in the municipality of Mogi Guaçu (SP), in eucalyptus clonal planting areas, belonging to International Paper (current Sylvamo). Exceeding all expectations, they put Brazil in a position of global prominence. In 2018, the fair took place in Santa Rita do Passa Quatro, Ribeirão Preto Region (SP), also in the area of the partner Sylvamo and gathered 30,654 visitors, with 240 exhibitors.
This innovation in forestry events in Latin America has ensured visitors the possibility to see machines and equipment in operation. A unique experience, which provides the visitor with the true extreme feeling of the reality of the planted forests in Brazil.
Expoforest 2023 is expected to bring together around 300 exhibiting companies and receive about 40 thousand visitors.