As reported at the end of April by the Portos e Navios portal, maritime exports broke a record in the first quarter of 2023, with 164.1 million tons. The volume is 7.8% greater than what was exported in the same period last year. The survey was carried out by the Association of Private Port Terminals (ATP) and made available on DATaPort, the sector’s database based on official information. The amount corresponds to R$ 67.2 billion, an increase of 4.7% compared to the same period last year. China, the United States, Malaysia, the Netherlands and Japan led, in that order, the ranking of the main destinations for Brazilian exports.
This growth had the contribution of the performance of cellulose, which, after highlighting Brazil as the largest exporter of the product in 2022, maintains a sequence of records. In the first quarter of this year, it had the largest amount exported in history. There were five million tons exported, which represents a jump of 17.5% compared to the previous period. Equivalent to US$ 2.3 billion, a significant increase of 33.6%.