

In early May, the Federal Senate approved the conversion bill arising from the provisional measure that changes the rules of the law on the management of public forests by concession, allowing the exploration of other non-timber activities and the use and sale of carbon credits.

According to the article released by Agência Senado, MP 1,151/2022 was approved in the form of the report by Senator Jorge Kajuru (PSB-GO), who ratified the substitute approved in the Chamber of Deputies, and went on to presidential sanction.

The approved text allows the granting of rights on access to genetic heritage for the purposes of research, development and bioprospecting and on the exploitation of fishing resources or wild fauna. In the public notice for the concession for the exploitation of forests, the right to sell carbon credits and similar instruments for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions may be included, including a percentage of participation by the granting authority. Non-timber forest products and services may be the object of the forest concession, provided they are carried out in the management unit, under the terms of the regulation.

In the substitute, the deputies included a device that allows the concessionaire to operationally unify forest management activities in continuous units.

Photo: Jonas Pereira/Agência Senado


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