Another Brazilian Forestry Week is coming. Between the 7th and 11th of August, Ribeirão Preto and region will host Expoforest, the largest dynamic forestry fair in the world and two important technical events, which will bring together big names in the sector, with worldwide recognition.
One of the events is the 5th Brazilian Silviculture Meeting, scheduled to take place on August 7th and 8th at the Events Center at Ribeirão Shopping, in Ribeirão Preto. The challenges for forestry production, digital forestry, cases of innovation and technology and the direction of mechanization against the shortage of labor are the main thematic axes.
Organized by Malinovski and Embrapa Florestas, the first panel will feature “The Challenges for Forestry Production”, moderated by Junior Ramires. Luiz Calvo Ramires Jr., better known as Junior Ramires, is a managing partner and CEO of forest companies, as well as president of the Sul-Mato-Grossense Association of Producers and Consumers of Planted Forests. He participated in the body of members of the Specialized Technical Chamber – CTE in the Secretariat of Strategic Affairs of the Presidency of the Republic, for the preparation of the National Plan for Planted Forests.
Three presentations will be part of the panel moderated by Junior Ramires. They are: “Advances in Studies of Climate and Forest Productivity”, with José Luiz Stape, graduate professor at UNESP Botucatu; “Forest Plantations in the New Frontiers of the Brazilian Territory”, with Cristiane Aparecida Fioravante Reis, researcher at Embrapa Florestas; and “Strategies for Using Clonal Compounds”, with Gabriel Dehon Rezende, Corporate Head of Forest R&D at Bracell. The panel will close with the opening of questions to the public.