Embrapa Florestas has several attractions for Expoforest. One of them is the ILPF Space, a true showcase of a silvopastoral system with cattle, pasture and eucalyptus, simulating forest management for biomass production. And another will be the mini-course on Methodology for accessing and analyzing data from the Brazilian productive chain of planted forests – Export Trade Module (Comex).
The course will be held at Embrapa’s stand, at Expoforest, and registration is free, with 06 places available per class. It is necessary to bring a laptop and be duly accredited to enter Expoforest. The classes will be on the 10th and 11th, lasting two hours, from 10 am to 12 pm. To secure your registration visit: https://forms.gle/RSMhaJdEcLEqJxa1A. For more information call via WhatsApp: +55 (41) 3675-5638.