With a professional tradition in forestry engineering, Malinovski carries networking and the promotion of the sector in its DNA. Developing market intelligence is part of the company’s core business, which always seeks to go beyond the forest, strengthening relationships and stimulating business, including in other countries.
Thinking about the development of the Brazilian forestry sector and the national wood industry, Malinovski started to share, from February, a report in English, with macro information on the productive chain of planted forests.
The content, called “The Forestry Sector in Brazil”, was carefully developed by Malinovskiconsulting team. The numbers demonstrate the size of the sector in our country and reinforce the opportunities for the foreign market. The document also brings a presentation of Expoforest, the world’s largest dynamic forest fair. To acquire the report, simply access Malinovski website: www.malinovski.com.br, and download the file.