The pre-launch of Expoforest 2023 took place on December 8th of last year and brought together the Expoforest counsel group, formed by representatives of the main manufacturers of wood harvesting machinery. The event took place at Ópera de Arame, in Curitiba, and was mediated by Malinovski’s CEO, Ricardo Malinovski.
Ricardo recalled that the sector is going through a good moment and that private investments for the expansion of forestry and industrial areas should reach BRL 57.2 billion by 2024. The reflexes reached the machinery market, whose high demand extended the delivery period to up to 12 months.
For Rodrigo Barbosa, marketing manager at John Deree, the increased level of professionalism in the sector is also responsible for boosting machine sales. “In the same way, we, as suppliers, have to seek innovation and technology to serve this increasingly professionalized market”, defended. Carlos Borba, marketing and sales manager at Komatsu, agreed and went further: “The market is becoming more professional and, in addition, there is a lot of fleet renewal, which corroborates the large investments in the forestry sector.”
Cairon Faria, forestry director at Tracbel, recalled that the demand for mechanization in the forestry sector happens all over the world, but more prominently in Brazil. “Demand is worldwide, but in Brazil, 2021 was an impressive year.”
Rodrigo Marangoni, marketing and sales manager at Ponsse, believes that with the sustainable use of wood as a raw material it should further foster the growth of the sector: “We understand that in the medium and long term, the trend is for growth.” Fernando Campos, director of Ponsse Brasil, noted that the market took a sharp turn with the arrival of the pandemic. “Our order backlog collapsed in the first three months. We are experiencing a moment of insecurity, but from the second half of 2020 onwards there was a resumption. And no one expected such a strong recovery.
This optimistic climate for business is expected in the next edition of Expoforest. So mark on your calendar: May 24th to 26th, 2023. The Extreme Spirit is back!
Curitiba, 1977: in this year, a seminar conceived by Jorge Malinovski, a wood harvesting enthusiast in Brazil, started a series of events that culminated in the conception of Expoforest, currently the only dynamic forestry fair in Latin America.
In 2018, the fourth edition of the fair had 240 exhibiting companies. The total audience of 30,645 people, from more than 30 countries, was able to experience and participate in static and dynamic demonstrations of the main areas of the forestry production chain: silviculture, forest inputs, wood harvesting, transport, technology, biomass and wood processing.
Worldwide launches of machines, implements and purpose-built equipment (specifically designed for forestry activity) are expected again for the fair in 2023.
If in 2018 the technological evolution was already impressive, the expectation for 2023 is for something even more impactful. Some of the topics that will be part of the fair are: mechanization of silviculture, wood harvesting more efficiently, the use of intelligent fleets, programs guided by satellite images and genetic improvement of the main species used in the silviculture.