In an article entitled “Planted forests: the future of the bioeconomy”, the president of the Paraná Association of Forest Based Companies, Zaid Ahmad Nasser, argues that the planting of trees for wood production is what guarantees the preservation of native species. “We understand that, in addition to directly contributing as a source of input for the most diverse purposes, planted trees are a key factor in reducing pressure on the need to extract wood from native areas.”
According to the forest engineer, in Paraná, for every hectare of planted area, there is one more hectare of native forest, destined for preservation. “There are rural properties in which the percentage used for commercial use of forests reaches only 38%. A large part remains with the native vegetation preserved”, he says in the article.
The full article can be accessed on the Index Group website:
Suzano has been publishing images of the progress of the construction works of the new pulp mill in Ribas do Rio Pardo (MS). At the peak of the work, around 10,000 workers will be involved simultaneously. Highlight for the advancement of the fiber line and pulp extractor.
Announced in May 2021, the Cerrado Project will receive a total investment of BRL 19.3 billion. At the peak of the works, approximately 10 thousand direct jobs will be generated. Scheduled to start operating in the second half of 2024, the new plant will be Suzano’s most competitive unit. The expectation is that it will produce 2.55 million tons of eucalyptus pulp per year, with 3 thousand workers, including its own employees and third parties, in the forestry and industrial areas.
Watch the film with the evolution of the works of the enterprise in Ribas do Rio Pardo at:
The Southeast Region had an increase in planted area in 2021, with an increase of 30.7 thousand hectares (0.9%). According to the IBGE survey, called “Production of Vegetal Extraction and Silviculture (PEVS) – 2021”, there was a reduction of 1.4% in areas with planted forests in the country. This means a decrease of 138.9 thousand hectares. According to the PEVS, the total area of forestry is 9.5 million hectares, of which 7.3 million, or 76.9%, are eucalyptus.
The South Region, where 31.9% of the areas of forests planted with pine and eucalyptus are located in the country, had a reduction of 2.7%. Together, eucalyptus and pine were responsible for covering 96.0% of cultivated areas with commercially planted forests in the country in 2021.
According to data from the Department of Foreign Trade (SECEX), of the Ministry of Economy, pulp ranked ninth in the country’s total exports in 2021 (2.4%). Brazil is the world’s largest exporter of pulp, with 16.2 million tons in 2021.