Among the various actions that are part of Expoforest is the Forest Startup Conecta, an initiative jointly developed by Embrapa Florestas, the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAPA) and the Malinovski Group. The objective is to connect startups with partners, investors and customers, in order to make business viable in the productive chains of forest plantations.
During the Brazilian Forestry Week, Forest Startup Conecta will promote the 1st Expoforest Startups Award in the Forestry Plantations Sector. The award will identify and promote the visibility of startups, collaborating so that innovative technological solutions (products and processes) meet demands and enable new businesses in the Brazilian forest-based sector associated with planted trees and in crop-livestock-forest integration (ILPF).
Among the evaluation criteria are: technical feasibility, technology differential, potential technical and economic impact, development phase, expected deadlines, and future vision.
The winners will be announced on August 8, during the technical events: 5th Brazilian Silviculture Meeting and 19th Seminar on Wood Harvesting and Transport.