Expoforest 2014 has exceeded all the records throughout the three-day event in Mogi Guaçu (SP). In total, the Brazilian Forest Fair received 25.107 visitors, among them representatives from all Brazilian states and 26 countries.
Over R$ 152 million were negotiated in machinery and equipment. “Those numbers prove, that in each edition, Expoforest established itself as an event that promotes good business. Furthermore it shows the strength and growth of the planted forest sector in Brazil”, evaluates, Rafael A. Malinovski, Expoforest business director.
The Brazilian Forest Fair had 208 exhibitors who presented their machinery and equipment in a dynamic and static way. “Again the visitors could follow the main market releases being operated, spot and observe the advantages of each other”, including Rafael.
The next Expoforest edition, according to Malinovski Florestal, company responsible for the organizing of the Fair, is scheduled for 2017.