

The forestry sector is one of the fastest growing in Brazil and in the world. Consequently, the demand for professionals in the most varied fronts of action in this area has also grown. With that in mind, Malinovski developed Expoforest Emprega, a space dedicated to capturing CVs from professionals interested in working in the sector.

To participate, you need to fill out a form on the Expoforest website, in the Expoforest Emprega area, insert the link to access a professional portfolio or attach this document in PDF format. The curriculum will be registered in a bank of professional talents to which all companies that support the Expoforest Integra action, whose main objective is to publicize and strengthen the largest dynamic forestry fair in the world, Expoforest, will have access.

Within the Expoforest Emprega session are some tips on how to put together a complete CV, as well as how to highlight the main qualities and professional skills.

Photo: Shutter


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Between the 7th and 11th of August, the forestry world gathered in the region of Ribeirão Preto. The highlight was