An unprecedented study by Embrapa Florestas (PR) began to measure data on carbon accumulation in timber forest products (PFM). Among them are: lumber, wood panels, paper and cardboard, as well as discarded waste from these materials.
According to Embrapa Florestas researcher Luiz Marcelo Rossi, responsible for coordinating the report on the removal of PFM, the methodology of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC-2006) established models, calculations and reference data, such as the density of each wood considered and the carbon content of the products. “Wood is composed of carbon at around 50%, so all PMF, such as a piece of furniture, a book, a board contains carbon that was removed from the atmosphere by the trees. In this way, carbon remains stored in the product until decomposition begins and consequent emission of CO2 after use. Thus, the production and use of PMF is a way to increase the removal of CO2 from the atmosphere, contributing to reducing the effects of climate change”, says Rossi. The contribution of forest products to CO2 removal represents about 13% of the gross emissions of the Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) sector.
Photo: Luciane C. Jaques